Domestic & Commercial Services Across South Devon

Underfloor heating Installation Teignmouth


Our clients Mr & Mrs ‘C’ contacted us to enquire about installing underfloor heating in their home.

Once we’d established their requirements, our engineers tailored a comprehensive design, supply and installation service.

Alongside this, they installed a new touchscreen room thermostat, offering a simple yet effective method of controlling their heating.


So what are the benefits?

  • The heat distribution is even;
  • It’s comfortable and you’ll never have to worry about wearing socks again;
  • No radiators – the pipework is underfloor, so hidden away from view;
  • A larger area can be heated at a lower temperature, therefore reducing cost;
  • Your flooring will stay warmer so the room is heated longer;
  • It may increase your property’s value.

A few points to consider are:

  • Cost – it can be expensive but DSB offer free quotations, affordability, and a 12 month guarantee;
  • It may not be suitable to install underneath your existing furniture;
  • It can take a while to heat up so a timer (or a thermostat that can be controlled via an app eg. Hive) is essential.

What types of heating are there?

There are two types of heating systems, electric and water based.

Electric systems are easier and cheaper to install, however running costs are higher than water based.

You’ll also need an electrician to help with the electrical side of the installation.


Laying underfloor heating is a huge job where the pro’s greatly outweigh the con’s.

DSB provide a quality service, sourcing only the highest spec materials at an affordable cost.

Lastly, we remove the worry and do everything from sourcing the materials, to removing the waste.

If you require underfloor heating, contact DSB today on 01626 444494.


Underfloor heating delivered wrapped in black cellophane
Delivery of heating system
Underfloor heating being installed in walls and floor
Underfloor heating installation
Green underfloor heating pipes being installed in floor
Laying the underfloor heating
Underfloor heating system panel and mechanisms attached to the wall
Installing heating cables
Underfloor heating system being attached to the boiler
Attaching the heating cables to the boiler
Bare walls with empty cavity's ready to install heating pipework
Walls being prepped to install heating